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Word from the Wolfe Pack | February 26th 2023

News & Rumors “I’m so grateful Mr. Sharpe and Ms. Rivers took a chance on me. I’ve been trying so hard during the off season to expand my moveset, to get better at what I’ve already learned to do, and I can’t wait to continue to debut a few new tricks this season as time […]

Word from the Wolfe Pack | February 26th 2023

News & Rumors

  • Mystery Surrounds Shiori Saten Meet & Greet
    • Recently Prime’s newest Japanese signing, “Morning Star” Shiori Saten, was part of a meet & greet event in Los Angeles to celebrate the start of another season of EWC’s indy spotlight.  During the event fans were able to get up close and personal with Saten and a few were even seen to accept her invitation to take her hand.  All seemed perfectly normal until two of the fans were reported missing the following morning.  While no loved ones have emerged as part of the search efforts, photos of the two missing individuals have been posted widely online.  When asked for comment, Shiori Saten expressed concern for the missing fans but added “Wherever they are I’m sure their souls are safe.”
  • Another EWC Developmental Star incoming?
    • Sources confirm that EWC signed former Olympic wrestler and convicted felon, Luce Cannon to a developmental deal. Luce’s signing was controversial but Rampage star, Jason Anderson, vouches that Luce Cannon is a changed man.
  • Second Chances for Scott
    • Caleb Scott stormed into his second season with a victory over Chelsea Skye and Iggy Swango at the Brawl Season Opener. The win earned him a shot at Rebel Rhodes’ FX Broadcast Championship at Brawl #593. Can Caleb finally win the big match to attain his first EWC championship and will his apparent protégé, Luke Mason, be a factor in the match?
  • Emiko Okita Revealed as President of Fan Club
    • It was revealed through social media that the president of the International Megumi Sengoku Fan Club is none other than Megumi’s sister Emiko Okita.  Emiko expressed strong admiration for Rampage’s senior most Shinijoshi member and said that the fan club “is my way of giving back to the baddest woman on Friday Nights.”  In light of her newfound career as a member of the Rampage roster herself, Emiko may be stepping down from formal leadership of the fan club.  Megumi could not be reached for comment.
  • Chicken Soup for the Soul?
    • Rumors are swirling that Campbell’s is interested in a marketing meeting re: their famous chicken noodle soup brand, but speculation is that it isn’t Grizzly Duggan they’re searching for to be the new face of Campbell’s… but Gideon Gage?! Mm..Mm..Good?
  • NextGen Chaos Incoming?
    • Fifth-Generation Luchador, Maximiliano “Maxi” Manuel Menendez-Mendoza swears to the press that he will avenge his family and take down the Saints of Santa Muerta. Mexican officials declined to comment on the allegations of a luchador criminal cartel.
  • Prime getting Personal?
    • Prime General Manager Jordan Sharpe announced via Twitter last week, that Prime’s 105th episode would include one of the current Undisputed champion’s three contractually obligated appearances on the blue brand. However, after some questionable antics on Prime’s Clash at the Coliseum, Jordan Sharpe seems keen to pit the Golden Boy Draco Lazarus against the EWC’s Queen – Melody Malone. Newcomers to the EWC may not know it, but Prime #105 is about to reveal a very… personal.. affair.
  • X-Division Off to a Slow Start?
    • As of the time of this publication, EWC’s lack of following their namesake of ‘Extreme’ to open season 24 is almost jarring. Incumbent champion El Pablo, having been eliminated from the Legend of the Ring tournament this past Wednesday on Paramount’s season opener, leaves a LOT of questions surrounding the masked man and his potential opponent for Stranglemania. Was Xavier Reid’s win over Salvation enough to punch his ticket to the show of shows? Or will an up and coming talent like Bathsheba grab the proverbial brass ring and run with it? Brawl on Monday the 27th could certainly shake up the rankings, boasting five different competitors in various X-Division matches. One has to believe El Pablo will be keeping a very close eye on the events at T-Mobile Park.
  • Stranglemania schedule leaked?!
    • Some thorough investigative journalism from our own Dwight K Snoot has revealed that some very unique plans are in place for the Stranglemania pre-show this season. When pressed, he wouldn’t release his sources but swears up and down that he definitely didn’t break into President Mac’s office while he was overseeing the Legend of the Ring finale briefing. 
  • Cowboy off his Wagon?
    • Observant fans have spotted Housemates JoJo Rush and Tori Taylor out together at several small bars. Both JoJo Rush and Tori Taylor refuse to comment.
  • School of Hard Knocks?
    • We recently reached out to EWC Hall of Famer Ruthless Aggression to confirm her role in the NextGen training schedule, and ask what she had in mind for the next wave of EWC Superstars. She declined to reveal any specifics, but ensured us here at the Network that once the trainees leave, they’d understand the meaning of being Ruthless.
  • Bright Skyes Ahead!
    • Fresh off her win at the Clash at the Coliseum, Sunny Skye was eager to sit down and speak to Patricia Wolfe post-match. The reigning NextGen champion had this to say:

“I’m so grateful Mr. Sharpe and Ms. Rivers took a chance on me. I’ve been trying so hard during the off season to expand my moveset, to get better at what I’ve already learned to do, and I can’t wait to continue to debut a few new tricks this season as time goes on. Who knows?! Maybe this win over Shooter will…shoot me straight into the AMC championship scene?”

  • Stranglemania Autograph Signing Announced
    • Jamie Love, Dio, Tanja Deveraux, and for some inexplicable reason, the Philadelphia Flyers mascot Gritty will be signing autographs the night before Stranglemania at the T-Mobile store in the Fayette Mall in Lexington, Kentucky. No word on how close that is to the actual Stranglemania venue, but we wish them the best in making it to the show on time
  • Answering the Call?
    • And finally, we have word that the loss at the Brawl season opener might not’ve been as disappointing as we thought for a one former International champion, Iggy Swango. After months of setbacks, her follow up album to Soul Love has finally hit shelves world wide. The album, titled Intercepted Transmissions from the Loveship Oblivion is said to be selling well and Iggy herself has taken some time away from Brawl and the EWC to go on a brief promotional tour to celebrate its release. Could a performance be in the works for Stranglemania? This reporter, and her signed copy of Soul Love, certainly hopes so!
Available Now on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music, and the 12 FYE stores left in the United States!

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