Welcome to another eWrestlingNews Question of the Day! TNA Slammiversary 2024 is set to go down at the Verdun Auditorium in Montreal, Quebec, Canada later tonight. Before that takes place, let’s run down the card and toss out our predictions.
My question for you today is “Who will win at TNA Slammiversary 2024?”
Remember to answer with your response in the comments below.
As far as my answer…
We’re going to keep the formatting as simple as can be on this one, as I’m not too versed with TNA Wrestling to be able to do a deep, deep dive on any of these matches.
As I always try to preface any TNA talk with, I’m never going to say I’m an authoritarian on the company. I only pay attention to it tangentially. But this is a question of the day mostly for all of you, rather than entirely about me, so by all means, the comments is a better way to judge the predictions than what I say. Keep that in mind!
(Pre-Show) Four-Way Match: Xia Brookside vs. Gisele Shaw vs. Tasha Steelz vs. Faby Apache
I have zero idea what this is all about. Blindly, I’ll go with Xia Brookside. Don’t bet a dime on my prediction for this.
(Pre-Show) Singles Match: Kushida vs. Jonathan Gresham
This is another coin flip. I’ve heard nothing about what’s going on with these two. What a great way to start off some predictions, right?!
(Pre-Show) Tag Team Match for the TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship: The Malisha (Alisha Edwards and Masha Slamovich) (c) vs. Spitfire (Dani Luna and Jody Threat)
It seems like nearly every title changes hands on TNA pay-per-views, from my outsider’s perspective. Spitfire winning the titles on the pre-show, especially if it’s the match leading into the event itself, seems like a strategy where it could drive up some last-minute hype. Woah, a title change hands, let’s see if we can buy the event and possibly witness some more!
Six-Man Tag Team Match: The Rascalz (Trey Miguel, Wes Lee and Zachary Wentz) vs. No Quarter Catch Crew (Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne and Tavion Heights)
Predominantly NXT Superstars in this match. Interesting. No Quarter Catch Crew has been more of a joke in recent months than a serious act. In contrast, The Rascalz just got some prominent featuring, and Wes Lee is one of the golden children. There’s no way I’m betting on NQCC. The Rascalz have this.
Singles Match: Mike Santana vs. Jake Something
Totally blind about this one. Let’s go with Santana just because he’s the newer signing.
Singles Match for the TNA Digital Media Championship and the Canadian International Heavyweight Championship: A.J. Francis (c) (with Rich Swann) vs. PCO
Give the Canadian International Heavyweight Championship to the Canadian guy. Whether the Digital Media title has anything to do with that is a moot point, I feel. PCO can just lose that belt soon enough and keep this Canadian title instead. Someone felt the need to buy the rights to this for a purpose, and I don’t think it was for Top Dolla to be holding it in perpetuity. This isn’t a Taz situation with the FTW title, either.
Tag Team Match for the TNA World Tag Team Championship: The System (Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards) (c) vs. ABC (Ace Austin and Chris Bey)
Like I said, I’m going to bet on title changes most of the time. ABC wins, if not just because title changes are more exciting than retentions.
Singles Match: “Broken” Matt Hardy vs. JDC
Who am I rooting for? JDC. Dango never got a fair shake, I think. But I’d imagine there’s more attention and focus put on Hardy than JDC, so I’ll go with him.
Singles Match for the TNA X Division Championship: Mustafa Ali (c) (with Campaign Singh) vs. Mike Bailey (with Trent Seven)
Here is where I’ll deviate from my predictions. I’ll go with Ali retaining. He’s clearly a focal point, and I get the impression—maybe wrongly so—that Bailey is there to have a good match with him and be a viable contender, more so than to be the next champion.
Singles Match for the TNA Knockouts World Championship: Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Ash by Elegance (with The Personal Concierge)
I might be wrong about this one, as they could be planning to keep the title on Grace until at least Bound for Glory, but I’m going with Ash by Elegance winning here. Grace is on a ticking clock to leave this company. It seems as clear as day that she’s joining WWE as soon as possible. Maybe it’s better to just bite the bullet, put the title on someone else, and start transitioning her out of that prime focal point spot.
Six-Way Elimination Match for the TNA World Championship: Moose (c) vs. Josh Alexander vs. Steve Maclin vs. Nic Nemeth vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Joe Hendry
There are only two real options here. Either Moose retains the title to set up Joe Hendry getting a singles match and winning it later down the road, or Hendry wins this here. If they go with the Grace title change, I think they’ll hold off on Hendry. Grace retaining, though, would signal to me that they’re going with the hot ticket item and putting the belt on Hendry. I’ll hedge my bets and say Moose retains, but I’m rooting for Hendry, unless it means Hendry can go to NXT instead, as I’d rather that happen more than anything else.
What do you think? Drop your thoughts below!