Mac @ Night: S02E01 – Tonight on the 12th Episode of Mac @ Night, I talk about how to handle a loss in efedding. We’ve all been there before, we’ve all lost a match or seven, we’ve all missed out on a Championship or lost our Championship. How do we handle those losses? I offer up some suggestions on who you should approach for help as a writer, I remind us all that this is all a hobby and we shouldn’t be losing sleep over an outcome in a match, but at the same time we are incredibly invested in our characters so a loss or missed opportunity can still sting.
How do we lesson the pain of that sting? What is the proper way to respond to a loss? I discuss these things. I also talk a great deal about legacy, not just in the game but how people will remember us personally. Will we be remembered as a person who constantly complained, or as a person who gave love to the ones who beat us and earned the accolades they got. At the end of the day, we do a disservice to those winning if we make it all about our loss.
I hope this podcast will help us find a more positive mindset, a more productive way to handle a loss, and remind us all, that at the end of the day, we are all winners because we got to tell our own story – our way. The score might not always go your way, but as long as you are always improving as a writer and having fun while doing it, that’s a big time victory.
Tonight’s drink: Crown Royal Apple. Established in 1939, Crown Royal is a blended Canadian whisky brand with production being done in Gimli, Manitoba, while the blending and bottling of the whisky is done in a facility in Amherstburg, Ontario. I give a very brief explanation of Whisky, Whiskey, Scotch and Bourbon. Are they all the same? Tune in to find out (or just google the answer).
I hope you enjoy tonight’s episode. I’ve been in the efed / efedding world since 1995 and running my own efed (The Extreme Wrestling Corporation) on and off since 1997. I come into each podcast with over 26 years of experience in the hobby, but I humbly understand that I don’t know it all and don’t pretend to. This podcast is my opinion and I appreciate you taking the time to listen. I love efedding, I love the efed world, this hobby is important to me and I genuinely wish to see every efed have longevity and success.
As always, feel free to sound off in the comments section on our forums.
See you next time. Stay safe!
– Mac ?