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Chelsea Green’s Divas Title, Or WWE Speed Women’s Championship? | Question Of The Day

Welcome to another eWrestlingNews Question of the Day! Triple H announced recently that there will be a tournament to crown a WWE Speed Women’s Championship, premiering September 4th. Chelsea Green’s response to this was to say “Oh goody, I can turn the speed tournament into the diva tournament” as she has expressed interest numerous times […]

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Chelsea Green’s Divas Title, Or WWE Speed Women’s Championship? | Question Of The Day

Welcome to another eWrestlingNews Question of the Day!

Triple H announced recently that there will be a tournament to crown a WWE Speed Women’s Championship, premiering September 4th. Chelsea Green’s response to this was to say “Oh goody, I can turn the speed tournament into the diva tournament” as she has expressed interest numerous times in reviving the retired WWE Divas Championship.

My question for you today is “Should WWE do a women’s speed title, or bring back the divas title instead? Or, are there already too many belts as it is?”

Remember to answer with your response in the comments below.

As far as my answer…

The WWE Speed Championship had an even quicker descent into meaninglessness than the 24/7 Championship. NOBODY is invested in this. It’s not even mentioned much on Raw or SmackDown, which would be the only real opportunities it could have in building any steam. They’ve mentioned it a few times on NXT, namely with Nathan Frazer and Axiom arguing over whether or not they should even waste their resources on caring about that, but NXT doesn’t have the same pull—hence how there are fans who aren’t aware of major NXT talent when they go to Raw and SmackDown.

Since the Speed Championship is already so pointless, why are they bothering to incorporate a women’s division into this? There is even less of a chance people will be invested in the women’s version of this belt, as they statistically don’t draw as much on a regular basis anyway.

Granted, I don’t think the Divas Championship should return, either. But I do think that there’s room to play around with a women’s midcard title, as has previously been discussed here at eWrestlingNews. If this is going to stay as an X platform 3-minute match thing, then it basically needs to stay the Speed Championship regardless of how I feel. But I wouldn’t likely have bothered with any of this to begin with, let alone to try to expand on it. It’s inevitable that this will all disappear and I don’t think we’ll even see the title unified with another belt or anything; just dropped some day. In that regard, bringing back the Divas Championship wouldn’t work here, either, since it not only doesn’t fit the WWE Speed gimmick, but if it’s going to return, it should do so on Raw and SmackDown—not buried under X and eventually disappearing again without a trace.

I see where Chelsea Green is going. I’d go so far as to say I even sort of agree with her in bringing this belt back, if it can be more gimmicky. There’s potential. But for now, I’m going to have to surprise myself and say I’d rather have the “WWE Speed Women’s Championship” over the “WWE Divas Championship on WWE Speed”

What do you think? Drop your thoughts below!

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